Wednesday, February 18, 2015

You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.
Deuteronomy 6:7

Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth.
Psalm 127:4

What do these two verses have to do with one another? The connection therein lies the title of this blog and this family endeavor.  

"You shall teach them diligently" according to Strong's is the Hebrew word: וְשִׁנַּנְתָּ֣ם transliterated: wə-šin-nan-tām or shanan. This word most often appears in our Bible meaning sharp or sharpened, like a sharpened arrow. Psalm 127 likens our children to arrows. I find it so interesting to see children likened to arrows, when in Deuteronomy we are basically being advised to "sharpen our arrows" when we teach them diligently. 

Who is Quiver Sharp:
QuiverSharp is a place of encouragement. It is a place where I hope to be transparent and real about raising sharp arrows through diligent instruction in the Word. This blog is written by an imperfect mother striving to raise her seven children diligently through a solid biblical foundation and home education. As a family we are bible affirming Christians from a Reformed / Covenantal paradigm. We believe in first and foremost the Sovereignty of God in all things, including our parenting. Here, we hope to share insights into many areas that are pertinent to our family, including but not limited to: evangelism, reformed theology, catechism, homeschooling, bible studies, parenting as discipleship, and many, many personal anecdotes. 

Who we are NOT:
QuiverSharp is NOT part of the quiverfull movement despite our family size. We are not in any way associated or affiliated with the Quiverfull or Patriarchy movement.

Meet the Family:
Dad - Jeremiah (Miah)
Our rock and our family shepherd, Jeremiah has a heart for sharing the gospel and loving people whom others may feel are unlovable. Jeremiah became aware of God's calling as a pastor in his life only within the past few years and has been actively chasing after God's will in his life ever since. With the heart of a pastor, he will be entering seminary in the near future and his heart is to serve the people of Northern New England (specifically NH and VT). He also loves music (particularly hymns), studying theology, cooking, and watching movies with his wife and children.

Mom - Tikatia (Kat)
The author of this blog, Tikatia is first and foremost blessed every day to be married to Mr Wonderful with a Heart of Gold. Classically educating seven kids at home is a feat unto itself, so please bear with her if new posts are few and far between. This blog is firstly a creative outlet for a frazzled and sometimes lonely mama. In addition to homeschooling, Tikatia has a side photography business and babysits an adorable toddler four days per week. She loves poetry, reading, singing, snuggles, being creative, learning new things and then sharing those things with her children and friends.

Arrows: The Kids- I am sure that many a post will be dedicated to these seven. For now though, let's start with a simple introduction from left to right with names and ages. 
Looking at the picture above from L to R:
Shiloh 14, Amadeus 5, Jubilee 10, Isaiah 6, Elianna (Lily) 9, Hadassah (Haddie) 2, and Calista (Cali) 16.

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